TN18: TCK – How to plan your kids school education in expatriation? Rebecca Grappo – Denver

In the episode 16, we had a very interesting conversation about the personal development and identity construction of TCKs.

In this episode, I would like to bring to you some insights and guidance on the academic education of TCKs, how to make some decisions regarding the school choices and the educational support we can bring to our kids when we live in expatriation.

I brought to you a great expert in the matter, Rebecca Grappo.

rng_rebecca grappo pic

Rebecca is American and has lived in 11 foreign countries. She has raised her three kids abroad and is very much aware of the unique issues related to (third culture kids) TCKs. In fact, not only Rebecca has the personal experience as an expat partner raising kids abroad but she also has the professional experience of managing kids education abroad.

Rebecca is the founder of RNG International Consultants that provides innovative solutions and educational advice for students and families around the world.

Rebecca’s insights in this episode:

  • How to evaluate if a school is the right fit for your child?
  • How to evaluate the curriculum of a school and its management standards?
  • How to make sure that it is the right choice for the long term?
  • What are your options if you don’t know which country you will go next?
  • What should parents with special needs kids look for in a school?

Find Rebecca:

Check out the FIGT organization and its conferences for global families:



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