A little message for the holidays season

Dear Nomad Nation,

At this time of the year, many of you must be so excited, preparing to travel to go back home, visit family and friends or receive family and friends during this holidays season. I can’t think of a better moment to share with you this video below from one of my favorite movies ever! And yes, maybe a very cheesy movie but such a “feel-good” movie with such a strong and positive message!

In these troubled times, I am sure that most of us are being challenged with our believes, political views and vision of the world but I hope that we can all agree that love trumps everything when we let our hearts speak louder than our thoughts. This is maybe a little bit of a naive statement but I have no doubts that if we spend more energy listening to our humanity and curiosity rather than our fears and ignorance we realize that we are all the same despite our differences. Being part of those who have this tremendous chance to travel the world and live in the four corners of this earth, we do actually realize that it is our differences that makes our world such a rich and fascinating place. A world with just one flavor, one sound or one color might feel familiar or secure but would definitely be less stimulating, satisfying and inspiring.

Being part of the Nomad Nation is an extraordinary chance to carry a beautiful mission, take with us a little bit of each culture we get in touch with and become the vehicle of our world’s diversity and the prove that tolerance and love is stronger than fear and radicalism of all sorts. The only way to protect ourselves from those who try to harm our world is by hanging tight and strong to the values of generosity, care, diversity, fraternity and humanity.

I wish you wonderful holidays, lots of moments of joy and a very happy new year 2016!

May peace and love be with all of us!


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