Posts by Amel Derragui
TN90: What is a portable business and how to make it scalable
One of the most simple and common questions I get at my speaking engagements and Tandem Nomad conferences is: What is a portable business? And the followup question is usually: How do I make it profitable? In this episode, I do deep into answering these questions for you. I believe that portable business is the best solution for expat…
TN89: The Shell Ladies Project, how to start small and leave a global legacy!
TN88: Stay on top of your game! 3 pillars to be inspired in your life & business
Inspiration, knowledge, and creativity are the fuel to have a fulfilling life and a successful business. At the beginning of the year, you feel motivated and ready to make it a great one. But life is hectic and sometimes you can’t find the time to be creative. As busy entrepreneurs and moms, juggling between kids, homework, international…
(Replay) TN41: Building your own life and career plan on the move – Kirsten de Greling-Visman
This is a replay of an episode that first aired May 2016. As we start the new year, now is a perfect time to create a career plan with the advice and inspiration from our guest, Kirsten de Greling-Visman. Kirsten is Dutch Canadian raised as an expat child across the Netherlands, Canada, the Dutch Antilles,…
(Replay) TN21: Practicing mindfulness on the move – Jodi Harris
This is a replay of an episode that first aired in January 2016. However, as we approach the holidays and the start of the new year, the advice and information about practicing mindfulness are still important and relevant today. Jodi Harris is American, grew up in Texas Austin, since then she has been living in…