From fraud to authority: Claiming your well-earned expertise

Being labeled an “expert” comes with a lot of professional perks. As an expert, you can attract more of your ideal clients, charge better rates, build your credibility and make an even larger impact through the work you do.
But the title of expert comes with a certain weight, and that weight can sometimes be hard to carry.
No matter what you have accomplished in your career, you may struggle to call yourself an expert, let alone position yourself as one among your competitors. If that sounds like you, you are not alone — we have all heard that voice in our head before telling us we are not good enough or not ready.
But trust me, you ARE ready!
In this post, I am going to break down what it means to be an expert and debunk some common myths around this label. I will also share with you my process for owning your authority with unshakable confidence.
Positioning yourself as the go-to expert does not mean that you know it all!
How do you cast off the self-doubt and start looking at yourself as a legitimate expert in your field?
This blog is a summary of the related podcast episode:
Click here to listen to the tips mentioned in this article.
There are four steps I want to share with you to make you comfortable with positioning yourself as an expert:
1. Redefine what the word “expert” means.
When you hear the word “expert,” you probably think of someone who knows absolutely everything about their chosen subject. But that is a myth (and an unattainable goal). Your true expertise lies in what you can offer your clients in terms of specialized knowledge, skills and experience to help them unlock their true potential.
2. Address your imposter syndrome.
From Nobel laureates to CEOs, everyone experiences imposter syndrome, and it never really goes away. The key is to learn how to shift your mindset and manage those feelings of self-doubt that can make you feel like a fraud. To do that, stop comparing yourself to others and focus instead on your accomplishments and on continuous improvement instead of perfection to help you embrace your authority.
3. Identify the signs that you are an expert and your unique positioning.
There is no one governing body that certifies someone as an expert. If you have put in the work through your studies and training and have a proven track record of professional or personal experiences, then guess what, you ARE an expert! Look at your unique skills and perspective — clients will be attracted to what you have that they lack as well as your passion for your chosen niche.
4. Implement the right strategies to position yourself as the go-expert in your field.
Once you are comfortable calling yourself an expert, you have to show other people that is exactly what you are. Start by creating a compelling message to convey your expertise and what you can offer, then make sure all of your branding aligns with that message. Be consistent with your efforts and include testimonials and case studies when you can to boost your credibility even more.
We have all experienced self-doubt and insecurity. But by following these four steps, you can learn to see yourself as the expert you truly are and take your business to the next level.
If you could use some help defining your unique positioning and implementing an effective marketing strategy to attract your ideal clients and grow your revenue, I invite you to schedule a 90-minute session with me: Click here.