The influence of your subconscious mind on your business

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Fear, overwhelm, procrastination and the inability to make decisions are often the symptoms signaling that something is stopping you from creating the results you want in your business.  

Sometimes, it is simply the results themselves, or lack of results, that will indicate it is time to THINK and behave differently to bring your vision to reality, and make the big impact you want to see.  

As soon as you start recognizing how your subconscious mind influences the way you show up in your life and your business, you will open the door to many opportunities for change and transformation. 

There were two major moments in my entrepreneurial journey where I felt stuck. It is only when I realized how my subconscious mind what was holding me back that I could start addressing the real issue and making the transformation I needed.  

Take back the control of your subconscious mind to drive the results and the change you want.

One of the tools that I used was hypnotherapy, with the support of the certified hypnotherapist Penny Chiasson. 

I invited her to debunk some of the myths around hypnotherapy, and share her expertise on how you can gain control of your subconscious mind to create the results you want. 

Penny Chiasson is an award-winning Board Certified Hypnotist, #1 International Best Selling author and hosts the Penny, On Your Thoughts podcast. She is a Certified Professional Hypnosis Instructor, contributes to two industry journals and sits on the advisory board of the International Association of Hypnosis Professionals. 

For 25 years, Penny worked as a nurse and nurse anesthetist. During that time, Penny learned of the power of the mind to heal the body through hypnosis. In 2019, Penny walked away from healthcare to focus her attention on creating a unique and individualized approach to help others achieve personal success by healing their relationship with themselves. Penny has worked with leading coaches, influencers, CEOs and business leaders in 23 countries on 6 continents. 

What you will learn:

  • How the subconscious mind influences the way you show up in business 
  • How to gain awareness of your thoughts and debunk your limiting beliefs 
  • What hypnosis is and how it can help free yourself from what is holding you back

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[00:00:00] Amel Derragui: The time is now episode 306.

[00:00:03] Penny Chiasson: You know, one of the most important things in business and being successful is really doing that deep inner work. And it doesn't have to be hard, but just reflecting on our stories and I. Allow ourselves to shine a light on any blind spots that we might have, so we can work through those, and that's one of the ways that we can tap into the subconscious to achieve a much greater level of success in a way that feels light.

[00:00:34] Penny Chiasson: And full of possibility.

[00:00:37] Amel Derragui: Welcome to the Time is now the podcast show designed to take action and stay on top of your game to make a bigger impact with your business while creating more freedom and purpose in your life. This is your host, Amel Derragui as your business and marketing coach. I'm here to help you get the clarity and the action plan you need to position yourself as the go-to [00:01:00] expert in your field.

[00:01:01] Amel Derragui: And grow a business that is aligned with your needs. This is your time to create more growth, alignment, and impact with your business. Hello my dear listeners. Today we are going to talk about the power of your subconscious mind and also the influence of your subconscious mind in your business and to talk about this topic.

[00:01:25] Amel Derragui: I invited a very special person to be Penny Chiasson. Penny, are you ready

[00:01:30] Penny Chiasson: for this ride? I am. Let's go. Fabulous.

[00:01:33] Amel Derragui: I'm so happy to have you here. I'm just gonna introduce you in a few words. So for those of you listening, my dear friends here, so Penny is actually an award-winning board, CER certified hypnosis number one international bestselling author and host of the Penny on Your Thoughts podcast For 25 years, penny worked as a nurse and a nurse and atheist.

[00:01:56] Amel Derragui: During that time, penny learned the power of the mind to [00:02:00] heal the body through hypnosis. In 2019, she walked away from healthcare to focus on her hypnotherapy practice. She has worked with leading coaches, influencers, CEOs, and business leaders in 23 countries on six continents. And one thing I would like to share with you as well is that I actually personally have worked with Penny for those who have been following my podcast for a long time now.

[00:02:26] Amel Derragui: I have been sharing through my podcast some of the challenges that I've been through through my journey, and one of them was to have to deal with the loss of my own father. And that has impacted how I showed up in my business in some good, great ways actually, and in other ways where I went through some challenging times through the grief.

[00:02:42] Amel Derragui: So. After now over a year, I think it's been over a year and a half that we worked together. I decided to bring in Penny because I do think that it's important to talk about how our subconscious mind actually influences how we show up in our business. And before we dive into this topic, [00:03:00] I would love to know more about how did you get to do hypnotherapy and to get to specialize in this after being a nurse for so many years, especially in an anesthesia.

[00:03:12] Penny Chiasson: Was quite accidental actually, when I was working as an anesthetist back in 2008, there were some things going on in the healthcare world that I felt I could hugely benefit. I. Other nurses by teaching them what I learned in nurse anesthesia school about pain management so that they could provide safer and more effective pain care for patients.

[00:03:40] Penny Chiasson: And when I was doing research to create this course, I was seeking out. Medically backed information on modalities that didn't require medication, and I came across a body of research on hypnosis and my mind was blown. So it ed in the [00:04:00] back of my mind for a few years. I looked at different hypnosis trainings, but most of those trainings were taught by people who were not professionals.

[00:04:08] Penny Chiasson: They were, you know, either had hypnosis practices but had no healthcare background, no professional background, or it was something they did as a hobby. And every once in a while, they held a weekend course, and I finally, in 2012, discovered a course that was led by a retired nurse anesthetist who had extensively used hypnosis in the navy.

[00:04:31] Penny Chiasson: I went in taking that course outta curiosity. I just wanted to know. What life was about, what hypnosis was about. What is this thing that the mind is so potent? And in that training, I learned about Joe Dispenser. Mm-Hmm. I learned about Bruce Lipton. Ended up getting a copy of the Biology of Belief, which if you haven't read that book, it will really shift the way that you look at your health compared to way [00:05:00] it's presented in the world today.

[00:05:03] Penny Chiasson: When I was in that training, I had a personal experience where the instructor called me up for a demonstration and using only his words and me following along with him, he numbed the back of my hand. He clamped a surgical clamp shut on the back of my hand, and it was like being numb at the dentist. I knew he was touching me.

[00:05:27] Penny Chiasson: I heard the clamp snap shut, but I didn't feel a thing and my skin carried the mark for over two hours. So I called my husband that day and I said, I hate to tell you this, but when I come back. I'm opening a hypnosis practice and he was like, wait, wait, what? So it was a part-time thing. At first I thought, you know what?

[00:05:48] Penny Chiasson: I just wanna keep my skills and hone my skills, and then when I retire, when I'm 60, 65, this is something I can do and I'll be well experienced and [00:06:00] generate income doing something that I love. And once I started working with clients and getting results. It was just something I was hungry for, and I became very dissatisfied working in healthcare because here in the US healthcare had been making a transition to being less patient centered, more business centric, and then all of a sudden I had to shut down my business.

[00:06:30] Penny Chiasson: Because we moved halfway across the country and that business was shut down for 18 months. And the longer my business was shut down, the greater the disconnect within within myself. And then there was just a moment for me where it became clear that for my own mental, emotional, physical, and now I know what I didn't know then spiritual health.

[00:06:53] Penny Chiasson: I had to make that transition out of healthcare and I reopened my [00:07:00] practice and it was part-time. It took about 18 months, but I was able to build that steam and replace my anesthesia income and walk away in 2019.

[00:07:09] Amel Derragui: That's amazing. And were you. Coming from healthcare and being a nurse is quite a big journey and far journey than from becoming an entrepreneur.

[00:07:19] Amel Derragui: So could you tell me what are the steps you had to take to actually start seeing yourself as an entrepreneur? Was it natural from the get go, or what did you have to do to actually embody that? Speaking of embodiment, the, the identity of an entrepreneur, because you've been a nurse for over 20 years.

[00:07:38] Penny Chiasson: Yes, it was 25 years when I walked away, well, when I first started, the only exposure I had to air fingers quote entrepreneurship was my mother, who was a hairstylist, and she operated her business out of her pocketbook.

[00:07:53] Penny Chiasson: So I really had no exposure. To what it was to run a business. And when I first opened in [00:08:00] 2013, I was self-teaching the internet, at least for me in terms of business. I had no idea how big it was when I reopened in 2018, I was seeing people locally face-to-face, but I knew that if I wanted to leave healthcare that.

[00:08:19] Penny Chiasson: I couldn't just do this piecemeal and I couldn't drag my feet, that I really had to educate myself on running a successful business because my mentorship to that point from my hypnosis mentors and instructors had been well just throw everything at the wall and see what sticks. And that is a massive waste of energy and time, and even money in some situations.

[00:08:47] Penny Chiasson: So I started following some friends on Facebook who I knew were coaches that I had met, and I dove into a couple of courses about learning how to, you know. The basic stuff, [00:09:00] SEO, the website, and the more I got into it, the more I realized I did not know, and I reached out to a fellow hypnotist who was very successful.

[00:09:09] Penny Chiasson: She left being a a computer science programmer. A corporation and built a very successful practice. And I reached out to her and I'm like, what is the model like? What are, what are the steps? How did you figure this out? And she said, you need a business coach. I'm like, what? Mm-Hmm. Because I knew a life coach, like what is a business coach?

[00:09:29] Penny Chiasson: I didn't know this existed. And right around that same time was when I heard about Jim Fortin. I was in a group on Facebook called Screw the Nine to Five, pardon my French. That was the name of the group and that was the mentality I had at the time. And I heard about 'em and, and something just drew me to it because I knew there was something that I did not know and I had no idea who I needed to be.

[00:09:55] Penny Chiasson: So fall of 2018 started that journey of [00:10:00] unpacking and realizing how, I think the biggest thing transitioning from nursing. I was that, you know, if you show up and nurse anesthesia, because I was an hourly employee, if you show up and you punch that clock, you're getting a check. Mm. In entrepreneurship, you can put in the time, but the cash flow is not guaranteed.

[00:10:25] Penny Chiasson: You have to learn and. Market sales, all the things. It's not just put up your shingle and say, Hey, here I am. And people come running in to give you money. There's a movie here in the US called Field of Dreams, and people have this saying, you know, build it and they will come. And that's not how it works in entrepreneurship.

[00:10:49] Amel Derragui: Yeah, exactly. So what a way to go. And today I can see how you're showing up in your business. You're a true entrepreneur and. I believe, and that would maybe a good segue to the topic [00:11:00] of the subconscious mind and how it affects our business. I'm wondering, to get started, what is the your biggest, uh, the biggest bridge you had to climb to in terms of your own subconscious mind to be able to be where you are today?

[00:11:13] Penny Chiasson: The biggest bridge was the believability that something much bigger was possible for me, but whether we realize it or not, subconsciously we carry the experiences and the memories of conversations of people around us growing up, people that we respect and admire. For me to have it and run a business. So there were things around that in terms of, you know, how much money you can bring in, how much you can charge.

[00:11:50] Amel Derragui: You talked about you had to overcome the belief that you actually could. Think big. And that's a very good segue in a way where I had two big [00:12:00] moments in my entrepreneurial journey that actually led me to start looking at the subconscious mind. And the first one was, uh, actually when I started. It was in a period of growth when I started sabotaging myself.

[00:12:15] Amel Derragui: And I talked about this in the podcast, and my first acquaintance with that was to discover a book called The Big Leap, and realizing that it's interesting the business was growing really rapidly. And then I started self-sabotaging myself. And I was wondering why. And the second time was when, um, you know, my father passed away and I was really struggling with being completely frozen.

[00:12:39] Amel Derragui: And that's, I. Looked at every way possible to deal with it. And then I was desperate and I came to you, but, but basically what I would love to talk with you about is kind of how can we. Kind of bring this awareness about the impact of our conscious mind to those who are struggling in their businesses and might [00:13:00] not even realize that it's the subconscious mind that is actually not allowing us to grow in our business and not necessarily our marketing strategies.

[00:13:08] Amel Derragui: In my case, for example, I know that. I often tell to my clients there's, I can offer all the strategies in the world, all the marketing strategies in the world and the solutions that are technical, but nothing would work if we are not ready in our mind to do it and ready in our mind to do it can mean a lot.

[00:13:28] Amel Derragui: And I wonder if you wanna unpack that and how do you see that?

[00:13:31] Penny Chiasson: We call 'em blind spots for a reason. Mm-hmm, right that we can't see them. Typically, the way that I will coach clients through this, and I've talked about this on the podcast before, when you find yourself not getting something done, ask yourself, especially procrastination.

[00:13:51] Penny Chiasson: What is really happening here? Like what is so big about this task that I can't do it? What do I [00:14:00] think and what do I feel? And sometimes you have to ask yourself that question two or three times. What do I mean by that? You'll ask yourself, what is it about this task that feels too much that I don't wanna do it?

[00:14:17] Penny Chiasson: And your first answer might be, well, it's just too big. It feels too much. What? What does that make me think? I don't have enough time to get it all done. How does that make me feel? I'm afraid I'm gonna fail if I can't complete it. So we have to go two or three layers deep sometimes on that question. The key to not getting stuck as people like to say, is as soon as you recognize you're procrastinating to begin to ask these curious questions around what is it about this task?

[00:14:59] Penny Chiasson: [00:15:00] What is it that's causing frustration? Because frustration is a secondary emotion. When we get frustrated, it's because something we've done before is not working, so we have to take that step back. But once you understand what is underneath the surface. Then you can say, okay, how can I reframe this? And sometimes when we do look at a situation and say that procrastination is because we feel there are too many tasks and it's insurmountable, I'm gonna tell you the quickest and easiest way to move past that.

[00:15:40] Penny Chiasson: And that is to make a punch list of all the things that need to be done. Find the one, two, or three most important that can be done the most quickly and get those off your plate right away because the brain, it closes loops when we check things off our [00:16:00] list, and that's just a quick mindset hack for you there.

[00:16:06] Penny Chiasson: The key is awareness. It's to become aware that something's not working before we get frustrated, and to avoid asking ourselves why? Because when we ask ourselves why we're. Turning inward on ourselves. And if we're not careful how we ask that question, we can start blaming ourselves or feeling like we are not doing something right.

[00:16:31] Penny Chiasson: And then that takes us down a negative spiral of emotion. Right.

[00:16:37] Amel Derragui: And I think you said something really important is awareness, but also finding that balance between being, I don't know if you would agree, but I feel from my experience now that the majority of the. Challenges that we have in our lives, in our businesses, in our work are a majority due to the way we are processing [00:17:00] everything around us.

[00:17:01] Amel Derragui: I feel like it's more about how we process our environment than our environment that actually impacts the results we get in our businesses. So having that awareness of always questioning, okay, why am I stuck and what can I do about this? What is the thought process I'm going through that's leading me to actually this result?

[00:17:22] Amel Derragui: And. While we do that, making sure that we actually do it from a place of empowerment and in a not a place of discouragement and loss of confidence where I'm not good at this, I'm not good at this, and rather reframing the story. We talk a lot about story when we talk about subconscious mind, of how we can reframe how thought process in a place where we are more empowered, which will lead us to the topic of identity and, and I wanna talk about that as well, but it's not that easy to actually reframe that story.

[00:17:53] Amel Derragui: Because not everybody, first of all, can figure out where is that story that we are telling and how to [00:18:00] reframe it. So any tips you have about that, that's just a whole

[00:18:07] Penny Chiasson: great process that you shared in talking about processing information. And the stories. So the great reframe would be when you get in this situation and things feel challenging and maybe even insurmountable, ask yourself, what is one small thing I can do that moves me forward?

[00:18:31] Penny Chiasson: Because action gives us feedback, which gives us clarity, but. May I go a little bit more into that processing piece that you just mentioned? Mm-Hmm. Please. So we, we, we process our environment based on these stories and the model of reality that we carry in our mind. It's brain-based. There's an area of the brain called the reticular [00:19:00] activating system.

[00:19:01] Penny Chiasson: And our subconscious mind takes in 20 million bits or more. It's debatable 20 million bits or more of information per second, and it has to filter this information based on what we have told the brain is important to our survival. The self-talk that we have with ourselves, the conversations that we have with others, the content that we consume, especially visually and auditorily.

[00:19:35] Penny Chiasson: I. Influences the reticular activating systems. You always wanna ask yourself, what if in terms of the positive, the possibility, the future, because you were literally programming your brain to process information based on the frame that you gave it. Yeah.

[00:19:56] Amel Derragui: The first call to action, I would say, and the [00:20:00] simplest one is.

[00:20:01] Amel Derragui: Every time we go through a challenge is to actually sit down and quiet, sit down in silence, and try to unpack that challenge and what are the beliefs and the thoughts that and the self-talk we're having about it, and then reframing it in a way that it serve us. The thing is that this is a very good tip and I'm doing it all the time, and I've been always doing it since the moment I learned about it, and I always encourage my clients to do it, however, it does not always work.

[00:20:30] Amel Derragui: Because we're not aware about the stories, the subconscious stories that we have in our head. So it always works when we are aware of those stories. But when we're not aware, then comes this huge range of topics that I'm gonna try for us to summarize if we can. But the biggest learning I've had through this journey, and also I've, there's one thing is to know something, the other thing is to actually experience it.

[00:20:55] Amel Derragui: So one of the things that I experienced with you is this whole. [00:21:00] First of all, debunking of the stories we have in our subconscious minds that we are not even aware of. And then the second part is when we start tackling, building the new identity. And this is another story, right? And so as you can see here, we can unpack this in many ways, but I would love to see with you, how could you start introducing a little bit that.

[00:21:22] Amel Derragui: Transition from being aware about our stories and trying to tackle them like we did to what should we do when we are not aware of our stories? What? What are the tips that you would recommend so that we can transition to building the new identity that will serve us better?

[00:21:39] Penny Chiasson: Okay. I will do my best to keep this very simple, and I'm going to sum up a four day workshop in just a minute or two here if you want to.

[00:21:49] Penny Chiasson: Identify what I call the identity gap. This is going to show you where the hidden stories and beliefs are. So if you don't have a pencil or a pen and [00:22:00] a piece of paper, you know, pause the episode and and get that. The first thing that I want you to do is to write out where. You want to be in just two or three sentences, relationships in your business, what you want your day to look like, because value, excuse me.

[00:22:21] Penny Chiasson: Freedom is a top value for most entrepreneurs that I know. Then the next step is I want you to outline your identity right now. So write out I Am and list. I don't know. Five to 10 statements that are true about what you believe about yourself right now. These are not affirmation. So you might say something like, I am a procrastinator, I am an introvert.

[00:22:55] Penny Chiasson: But you might also say, I'm joyful. I'm committed. Write those [00:23:00] statements out. What are the current beliefs that you hold? This is the next piece. I believe that if I have money, I will lose it all, or I believe that being an entrepreneur is going to be hard. Or you might say, I believe that entrepreneurship is easy.

[00:23:24] Penny Chiasson: I thrive in challenging situations. So write out those beliefs, and those beliefs can be around your relationships, your money. Your business. Now, list out three of your current habits, three to five of your habits that you engage in every day that are related to the current or the the environment that you want in your business.

[00:23:48] Penny Chiasson: Family relationships. What are your current habits now, when you sit back and you look at this list, does that list. Align with [00:24:00] where you wanna be, and for most of us it's not. So think about where you wanna be and ask yourself, if I already had the $5 million a year business, who am I? What are the I am statements that would be true about me if I had the $5 million business?

[00:24:21] Penny Chiasson: Then you ask yourself, what would I believe about myself if I had a profitable $5 million business? I believe I'm a great money manager. I believe I'm a great leader in my business. I believe I'm creating impact. And make a list of all of those things. And then what are the three habits you would have every single day that allow you to achieve that?

[00:24:47] Penny Chiasson: And when you put those two things side by side. You will see a gap. And you're, you can say, wow, what causes me to believe that money would slip through my [00:25:00] fingers? What causes me to believe I'm not a good money manager? And you can really dive deep and do a lot of self-reflection and exploration with that.

[00:25:09] Penny Chiasson: Love

[00:25:09] Amel Derragui: it. So. I love that you summarized it in such a short way. Kudos to you, penny. 'cause I know that how big this is, unpacking this whole uh, journey can be very complex and I love how you simplified it. But also my question to you who are listening is, how did you feel in your body when Penny said when you have a business of $5 million?

[00:25:33] Amel Derragui: Because I know for a fact that there was a time, for instance, where in my own body I would feel either complete disconnect or this is not me or I feel shake, or something like that. And it's interesting when I heard that from you now, like. Yeah, like I felt like a sense of joy, which I know that in the past I didn't, it used to trigger me.

[00:25:51] Amel Derragui: It used to stress me out or to feel like, oh my God, this is not even a conversation for me. Right? So watch your body behavior. [00:26:00] Sometimes it's in the body that tells us more than what's happening in our brain, what's happening in our guts and our stomach. And I think that's a, that's also a good connect, like a good sense of awareness is to listen to our body.

[00:26:13] Amel Derragui: So we talked about awareness a lot or blind spots. Second is figuring out where's the gap blind spots that we might not know, but at some point we might really still either struggle to discover the blind spots or even to know them and to pass through them. And that's where I think hypnosis comes into place.

[00:26:32] Amel Derragui: Because of time's sake. I would love first to introduce hypnosis as for me, it was the solution to that. I know that in my journey at, AT when I came to you was the moment where I could not anymore figure out some of the blind spots. Why am I stuck? And then once I figured them out, it's like. But how to free myself from that.

[00:26:56] Amel Derragui: But my first question to you is, what is hypnosis? And then I'll, I'll ask the next one. [00:27:00]

[00:27:00] Penny Chiasson: So, hypnosis is simply a state of mind where we're in a state of focused attention and we can receive or give ourselves suggestions. And basically what that means is we're bypassing the critical analytical thinking part of the mind.

[00:27:17] Penny Chiasson: Excellent. I

[00:27:18] Amel Derragui: actually want to talk about the, the big elephant in the room here is all the misconceptions that people have about hypnosis. A lot of the people with. Depending on where we come from, but I think even the US, most of the people would see hypnosis is that stereotype of the chicken on the stage where people just do things they don't wanna do.

[00:27:39] Amel Derragui: And I wanna see how you react to that and what is your answer to that? Like hypnosis is something that puts us out of control of our bodies and our minds.

[00:27:48] Penny Chiasson: All hypnosis is self hypnosis. We basically choose to follow instruction to go into that state specifically. When you're guided hypnosis, [00:28:00] because we spontaneously go in and out of this state all the time throughout the day, but when we're working with someone else, it's a consensual process.

[00:28:10] Penny Chiasson: If you and I had not developed trust, if you had not had information about hypnosis and known that it's a place where you can allow yourself to be open to change, and how empowering that is for you. I couldn't have guided you into hypnosis. Because your mind would've said no. Mm-Hmm. This doesn't feel safe.

[00:28:32] Penny Chiasson: We have a protective mechanism. Mm-Hmm. That's always at play there. In terms of the stage hypnosis, I always love answering this specific question. When someone's doing stage hypnosis, they call for volunteers and people volunteer knowing that they're going to do crazy antics and have fun. And so basically they're consenting to receive those directions and.

[00:28:56] Penny Chiasson: They're agreeing to act out on those things. [00:29:00] All right.

[00:29:00] Amel Derragui: I would love to share my definition from the consumer side. What I realized, first of all. I did need to get acquainted with hypnosis before I reached out to you, because for me that was like a scary thing. I had all the misconception about it. I think starting the journey of meditation was the first step, learning about meditation, because what I often say to simplify to in my words, for me hypnosis is like medic me.

[00:29:26] Amel Derragui: It is like meditation, but with a goal. Whereas for me, meditation, there's no goal besides relaxing and emptying the brain. Hypnosis has a goal. I'm gonna put myself in a, in a certain state of mind so that I could relax and then go tap into that subconscious mind what it's telling me. So that's the first thing that I've experienced is my own definition.

[00:29:47] Amel Derragui: I dunno if you would agree with that.

[00:29:48] Penny Chiasson: I, I totally agree with that because people often ask me, what's the difference between meditation and hypnosis? And it's simply that meditation is passive and hypnosis is active. We're we're going in for [00:30:00] change.

[00:30:00] Amel Derragui: Exactly. And so that was the first thing. The second thing I've realized during the sessions with you is that I actually never lost consciousness.

[00:30:09] Amel Derragui: I was actually always conscious and while a part of my brain was so relaxed, like it felt I was asleep, but I was actually not asleep, I was completely awake and aware of everything that was going on around me, so I never felt like I was losing

[00:30:25] Penny Chiasson: control. I. That's common too, right? People feel like they're gonna be put out, put under, and it's because some hypnotists do use that language and it's actually old language that has just been passed on.

[00:30:40] Penny Chiasson: It's really a state where you are aware of everything that's being said. Even when I've talked to clients through this before we ever do hypnosis, I tell them, you're gonna be aware of everything that I say. You're not gonna be asleep, you won't be out, you won't be under. And we go through one of those [00:31:00] processes that's more directed like you and I did, and when I emerge them out of the state of hypnosis.

[00:31:07] Penny Chiasson: They'll look at me and say, I heard every word you said. I'm like, I know you did, but I wasn't relaxed. And I'm like, hypnosis is not relaxation. Mm-hmm. And that's probably another big misconception is people believe that if they didn't feel relaxed, they weren't in a state of hypnosis. But the type of work that I do is to specifically go in and target those beliefs and misperceptions and find the seed at its root and rewrite it.

[00:31:35] Penny Chiasson: That is anything but relaxing. We're having a conversation the whole time back and forth,

[00:31:42] Amel Derragui: and I can tell you I was not relaxed. I was exhausted after each session.

[00:31:47] Penny Chiasson: Everyone's very different in that process. It depends on how much emotion we have stored in our body and in our mind around an event, and that emotion does not relate to the [00:32:00] intensity of whatever it is that we experienced.

[00:32:04] Penny Chiasson: It can be something that's not what we as adults would consider traumatic at all. But as a child it could have been tremendously traumatic because it's just a simple misperception. But that emotion gets, it gets carried, right. It gets stored, and when it comes out, it can most definitely, and I often call it mental gymnastics as well.

[00:32:30] Penny Chiasson: Because when you're dismantling beliefs and you're rewriting beliefs, that requires energy and work in the brain, and the brain loves to conserve as much as it can. That's why we have neural pathways that we end up. Running on habits every day to conserve that energy in case we need that energy to survive because our brain is still primitive.

[00:32:55] Penny Chiasson: It still thinks we're a cave man. Mm-Hmm. That's out. [00:33:00] Sneaking around, hiding from the saber tooth tiger and looking for something to eat. Our outside world has evolved much more quickly than our survival mechanisms in our brain. Yeah,

[00:33:11] Amel Derragui: definitely. So we talked a little bit about hypnosis. Hopefully we debunk some of the misconceptions about it.

[00:33:17] Amel Derragui: Now, the biggest other thing is for those, like where would you draw the line between coaching and hypnosis or maybe even

[00:33:25] Penny Chiasson: therapy? So with therapy, generally people are foc, the entire focus is to. Unpack something from the past. With hypnosis, we're looking to dismantle the beliefs that are keeping you from moving forward.

[00:33:42] Penny Chiasson: Now, coaching, especially mindset coaching, there are subconscious mindset coaches. There are different ways to approach the subconscious. We need all of those things to come into play to be successful. So for example, a business coach, a [00:34:00] mindset coach, a subconscious mindset coach, they might work with you in terms of journaling, gratitude, affirmations.

[00:34:07] Penny Chiasson: They might help you identify these beliefs, but hypnosis is to specifically target a, an emotion, a behavior, or a belief, and to, in a very directed way, go back to its origins, which the majority of the time, the foundation that became the fertile ground. For that behavior to grow. The two don't seem connected, but there is a story or a belief subconsciously that ties the two together, and my clients are often blown away because sometimes it makes no.

[00:34:44] Penny Chiasson: Logical sense whatsoever, but our brain, it just spends all day trying to connect things together like a matrix and to make sense of the world around us, especially when we're children, when we don't have context.

[00:34:59] Amel Derragui: If I had [00:35:00] to use a metaphor, I would call hypnosis. Like a system update or if it's great, if it's like a bigger thing, it will be a complete reboot.

[00:35:10] Amel Derragui: I don't know if you would. Yeah, yeah. Like if you consider our brain as a computer, it is just a, it's just to update it because we've stored a bunch of information that is no more relevant, but our brain is still trying to process all that information with a different

[00:35:25] Penny Chiasson: circumstance. That's an excellent metaphor because if you think of like the way our body runs is just the operating system, right?

[00:35:33] Penny Chiasson: But the way that we're showing up in the world is the program. If you've ever run your computer and you have too many tabs open, you haven't cleared the cache in the ram in a while, you haven't updated the programs, everything slows down. It gets clunky. One thing causes another thing to not work that well.

[00:35:52] Penny Chiasson: I just love it. That was. Yeah, that was beautiful.

[00:35:55] Amel Derragui: So to wrap up slowly, this conversation, as I said, it was [00:36:00] really hard for me 'cause there's so many things I would love to unpack here. But I would like to close a little bit with the identity, because basically for me, this whole journey is about, as you said, identifying what's stopping us from, from.

[00:36:13] Amel Derragui: Reaching the vision we have in our business and our goals in our business. But for me, the ultimate goal is to build the identity of the person we need to be, to reach that goal and to create that reality we want, and most importantly, the impact we want to create. But in, in just a summary, I would say. In order to go to where we wanna be, it's more about working on who we want to be, who that person who will create that change.

[00:36:40] Amel Derragui: So what are your tips, um, regarding that, creating that new identity? Once we have debunked all those clutter, cluttering thoughts we had.

[00:36:51] Penny Chiasson: Well, if you use that identity framework that I gave you earlier, mm-Hmm. As you work through those stories and beliefs, [00:37:00] you are becoming the identity that you created.

[00:37:04] Penny Chiasson: And once you become that identity, you might be open to realizing there's even more possible for you and. You may go back through that identity process again, because speaking to the $5 million business, the first two and a half years, maybe three years that I was going through my own personal coaching journey, I was tossed that question, what would your life look like if you had $5 million?

[00:37:30] Penny Chiasson: And I had no clue. I couldn't even imagine it. So you may go through the identity process more than once. Once you hit one milestone and you're like, wow, this really is possible. Okay, who do I need to be to get to the next level? So this is a lifetime process, but as you debunk the stories and the beliefs you are becoming.

[00:37:54] Penny Chiasson: That identity that you've set up for yourself. Wonderful.

[00:37:58] Amel Derragui: So thank you so much for [00:38:00] summarizing such big topics in such a short time. We could have dived into this so much deeper, but I would definitely recommend all those who are interested in checking your resources and learning more. Could you tell us where is the best place to

[00:38:11] Penny Chiasson: find you?

[00:38:13] Penny Chiasson: Well, I'm over on Instagram at penny chason, or you can find me at my website, www dot penny chason.

[00:38:23] Amel Derragui: Perfect, and I will be also linking all your resources on the show notes of this episode You go to. The time is now base slash three six. Before we end, I would love you Penny to complete this sentence. The time is now

[00:38:39] Penny Chiasson: to The time is now to follow your intuition and move forward in your business and your life in a way that.

[00:38:49] Penny Chiasson: Is aligned with who you are, not what others have told you. You need to be.

[00:38:56] Amel Derragui: Amen. I could have not ended this. Uh, so [00:39:00] well, better than that. So thank you so much, penny, first of all, for your great insights and for having been part of my own transformation journey.

[00:39:07] Penny Chiasson: Thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate it, and I'm just excited to see where all of this takes you.

[00:39:13] Amel Derragui: Thank you so much, and those of you listening, my dear friends, I hope that this has triggered some thoughts for you, some ideas about what are the things that are stopping you in your journey. It's very often with the dialogue you're having with yourself, so I would invite you to check on yourself, have that conversation with you, write down your thoughts, and shift them.

[00:39:33] Amel Derragui: And if at some point you can't shift them on your own. Reach out for help and Penny is one of those people you could as well reach out to. So I look forward to hearing from you. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any feedback about this episode. This is the time for you to grow your business with more impact and enlightenment.

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