TN105: Run a survey with these simple questions to discover why your clients will buy from you

I have been insisting on the importance of running market research and making sure that you really know your market very well, but most importantly that you know your potential customers and their challenges very well. So I will share with you my simple, easy questions that you need to answer when you run a survey with potential clients.

“Your survey is going to be a gold mine of information for you to attract new clients”

There are many ways to run a survey as you know. I actually recommend having 5-10 people that you meet, one to one to ask them questions and then have an online questionnaire that you can send to your potential clients.

It is more about knowing what questions to ask and how those questions can help you move forward in your business and getting the important information that will help you get more clients.

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What you will learn

  • The simple questions to ask in a survey
  • The minimum recommended number of interviews to run with potential clients
  • Which tools to use to run an online survey
  • The 4 simple key questions to ask in a survey
  • How to know where you can make a difference for your clients and how to be market competitive

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Highlights from the episode

  • You want to learn all the challenges your customers are having regarding the product or service you’re providing to your customers (03min:30secs)
  • You want to know all the resources that your audience is using to be able to address those challenges (05min:10secs)
  • We want to make sure that what is working is continuing to work for your customers (5min:37secs)
  • Your unique selling point should be where others are not providing value (6min:5secs)
  • You want to use the language of your customers and not the language of your business (7min:34secs)


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