TN111: How to keep attention and attract clients when you explain what you do

Do you sometimes hesitate or struggle when you have to describe effectively your business in a networking event or on your marketing materials (ex: website, sales page, brochure?)

You do not have to worry about this anymore!

“Knowing the exact vocabulary that your clients use to express their needs is key!”

In this episode, I will share with you very practical templates you can use to describe your business, product or service and attract more clients or referrals!

What you will learn:

  • What is the preliminary exercise to do before promoting your business
  • What are the 4 types of information you need to give when you describe your offer
  • Why you should use the term “promise” instead of “elevator pitch”
  • How to create your “promise” statement and describe your product or service to attract clients
  • How to describe what you do when you are not talking to a potential client but still encourage referrals
  • How to use the “promise” template when networking
  • How to use the “promise” template on your salespage

This episode is also available in a blog format

Click here to read the article.

Resources and inspiration:

Take Action Right Now

  • Download your free templates to describe your business effectively and attract clients! Click here
  • Did you learn useful tips in this episode? Please share your feedback below!


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