TN129: 3 top episodes to focus on the right things in your business

Are you focusing on the wrong things in your  business?

Every other episode on Tandem Nomads is solely focused on providing you very practical business and marketing tips designed to helped grow a successful portable business.

Here are the top 3 most popular marketing and business episodes from the first half of 2019 that will help you focus your energy and attention on the right things in order to grow your portable business effectively.

1. How to keep attention and attract clients when you explain what you do

attract clients

Do you sometimes hesitate or struggle when you have to describe effectively your business in a networking event or on your marketing materials (ex: website, sales page, brochure?)

You do not have to worry about this anymore!

“Knowing the exact vocabulary that your clients use to express their needs is key!”

In this episode, I will share with you very practical templates you can use to describe your business, product or service and attract more clients or referrals!

→ Click here to list to the full episode.

Here is another episode that is a perfect addition with tips on how to sell more book and grow your audience!

Book publishingIf you are a published author and you’re struggling to increase your book sales, or if you are considering writing a book, this episode is for you!

If you never thought of publishing your book, know that this episode is also for you; publishing and selling books can be a very rewarding experience but also a fantastic way to gain credibility in your field.

However, as much as technology has made it easier to publish and promote a book, making revenue out of books sales can be quite challenging.

→ Click here to list to the full episode.

“Don’t try to crowdfund before you have a crowd”

2. Get over the fear of putting yourself out there with this simple shift

Do you feel resistant to putting yourself out there through social media, video, networking or even sending your newsletter consistently?

Know that it will be very difficult to grow a successful portable business if you do not accept to face these fears or resistance and get out of your comfort zone.



“Putting yourself out there is not about yourself”

But how can you do that when it is so ingrained in you? It is all about baby steps! And this is what we will cover in this episode.

→ Click here to list to the full episode.

3. 3 crucial goals your website has to achieve

effective websiteYou have about 15 seconds to make an impression on your website’s visitors! That is indeed the average time that people stay connected to a webpage.

A lot of freelancers, coaches, solo-entrepreneurs and small business owners worry about their website looking “good”. That is not were the focus should be!

Whether you already have a website or are about to build one, this episode will take you through the essentials and templates to make your website turn visitors into customers!

“The only purpose of your website is to convert visitors into customers, esthetics will not do that!”

You will discover the 3 goals that your website had to achieve, and some more insights to help you build an effective website.

These are particularly important information if you want to grow a successful portable business!

→ Click here to list to the full episode.

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