TN138: What can you do when it is not the right time to launch your business? – With Gertraud Eregger

Getting married, giving birth, planning upcoming moves, or being already committed to a job, all these reasons can make it difficult to turn a business idea into reality.

Gertraud Eregger shares with you how she planned to start her business with small baby steps while taking the time she needed to give birth, take care of her baby and slowly transition from her job to launching her business.

It is rarely the right time to start a business. Through Gertraud ‘s story you will learn how to build a plan to make sure to launch your business idea, while doing it at your own pace and without getting overwhelmed.

“Take every opportunity that comes and you will find yourself achieving things you never thought you could do”


Gertraud Eregger is an international HR professional and coach. She is Austrian by birth, lived and worked as an expat in Africa and currently in Jamaica. Gertraud is an expert in international recruitment, talent acquisition, executive search and transition coaching.

In Ethiopia, she was managing the country’s leading HR Consultancy, worked as only expat among the local team and fostered the restructuring of the organization. During her tenure, the organization won the ‘Outstanding Supplier Award’ of a global garment manufacturing company and top investor in the country. Working and living in VUCA markets has shaped her leadership skills, resilience and certainly her appetite for adventure.

Currently, she works for a global executive search network and connects organizations across the world to elaborate growth and mutual synergies. As an independent coach, she is passionate to support female expatriates to overcome challenges when starting a new leadership role in a new country and culture, during the assignment or repatriation, so they feel focused, energized and have a positive mindset.

She got inspired by so many woman she met and worked with along the last years, so she felt a need to specifically support high achieving expat women on their mission and help them discover how they can maximize their impact, have more time and more energy.

What you will learn

  • What led Gertraud to start her business although she already had a fulfilling job and a baby on the way
  • What helped her to launch her business while doing it at her own pace
  • What she learned from her market research phase and how it helped her get clients

Resources and inspiration

Check out related podcast episodes and important info on the topic:

Find Gertraud online

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