TN162: How overwhelmed parents & moms can get work done – With Kelly Nolan

Managing a family, a household and a business from home can get very overwhelming, especially when being an expat mom or an expat parent and living abroad far from a support system.

“You can now focus on your business and your clients instead of the admin hassles of your business”

Kelly Nolan is an attorney-turned-time-management-consultant. She empowers busy women to go from overwhelmed to having calm confidence about juggling all their roles.

She will share with you some tips to be able to manage your time effectively and get work done without getting overwhelmed.

What You Will Learn

  • What the simple strategies are to manage your little available time effectively
  • What you can do to build your support system
  • What to do when you don’t have that support
  • How to manage in extraordinary circumstances such as COVID-19

Resources And Inspiration:

Find Kelly online

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