Tip #2 to kick off your portable plan.

However, it is important to not dismiss your current strengths and what you have already achieved in you life!
2. Define your unique talents
Before you go any further in building your portable plan, identify clearly what are the competences that you already have!
- List your skills and achievements
Take the time to reflect on your journey, ask yourself what are the biggest accomplishments you are proud of and what skills you implemented to make them happen. Be factual and precise.
These accomplishments can be professional but also personal. For example, you might have volunteered for a charity, organized events for your kids' schools, helped a friend with something in particular. Include anything that you think had a great outcome, made you happy and made an impact in any way or form.
Think of what excites you and motivates you, what you are passionate about, what are the tasks and skills that are so easy for you that you don't have to think about it when you put them in action.
If you are stuck, or even if you are not, ask your family and friends to help you and tell you what are the skills they think make you special. Ask them: if they had to ask you for help for something that they think you are best at, what would it be?
Also, reach out to your former colleagues and managers (or current colleagues and managers!), ask them to share their feedback with you, what do they appreciate about you, what particular skills do they think make you stand out.
If you still can't figure out how you can use your skills to build a portable plan, don't worry, it is ok, that will come throughout the process. Just make sure to invest the time, energy and resources to figure it out. For instance, as mentioned previously, use the services of a coach to work on this important step.

- Define your pitch
Now that you have identified your skills and worked on boosting your confidence, try to summarize your one major talent in one or two sentences. Those will help you create your pitch or "elevator pitch", a sort of introduction to the key information about you that will make people want to know more about you.
Here is a little exercise to help you define your pitch. Answer these 4 questions:
--> What?
Ask yourself what kind of expert do those skills make you or who do you want to become with some more training while capitalizing on those skills.
--> Who?
Think of what kind of value does it bring to other people and who are the people you can serve with those skills.
--> Why?
Define what makes you unique and how you can make a difference.
--> How?
Make sure that the means you use to provide your expertise are clear and understandable.
- Practice until you have no hesitation
Indeed, you have to be able to tell your pitch out loud without any hesitation. Practicing your pitch will help you believe in yourself but also be convincing when you present yourself and your skills when necessary. The more you can say who you are and what you do without any hesitation in your tone, the more assured you will sound.
Use the mirror technique, repeat your pitch few times every day in front of a mirror and believe it when you say it! The first time it can seem weird, but trust me, the more often you do it, the more you will be able to notice some great transformation with your self-confidence and the way you will be perceived.
Also, the other step would be to record a video of you explaining your pitch and presenting your skills. The more comfortable you will be with what you see and hear on the video the more convincing you will be.
Finally, once you've practiced alone and if you think you still have some hesitation, turn to the people you trust, your friends, community or professionals to practice your pitch with.
Take one action now!
- Write on a piece of paper the answer to the following question: What is the one special talent that you can think of right now without any hesitation? What could that lead you to become?
- Keep that piece of paper and continue to work on your list of skills in the five coming days as described above. You will notice how this exercise will already clarify your vision and boost your confidence.
- Do not hesitate to reach out to me, I would be happy to know how that went for you!